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Calhoun County Michigan Arrest Records

Michigan Public Records /Michigan Arrest Records /Calhoun County MI Arrest Records

Are Arrest Records Public in Calhoun County, Michigan?

Yes, arrest records are public in Calhoun County, Michigan. According to the public record act, these records are available to the general public. This means that anyone can access and obtain information about an individual's arrest history in Calhoun County.

How to Find Arrest Records in Calhoun County, Michigan in 2024

To obtain arrest records in Calhoun County, Michigan in 2024, there are several options available. One way is to visit the official website of the 10th District Court Records. The website provides access to the court's docket records database, where you can search for arrest records by case, ticket, judge, prosecutor bar, defense bar, and officer number. The website is

Another option is to visit the local Police Department in Calhoun County. They may have arrest records available for public request. Additionally, you can contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Calhoun County Court for further information on accessing arrest records.

It is important to note that some arrest records may also be available online. However, it is recommended to check the official sources mentioned above for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Police Departments in Calhoun County, Michigan

  • Battle Creek Police Department: 20 N Division St, Battle Creek, MI 49014
  • Albion Department of Public Safety: 112 W Cass St, Albion, MI 49224
  • Marshall Police Department: 323 W Michigan Ave, Marshall, MI 49068
  • Springfield Police Department: 601 Avenue A, Springfield, MI 49037
  • Emmett Township Department of Public Safety: 620 Cliff St N, Battle Creek, MI 49017
  • Pennfield Charter Township Police Department: 1320 Capital Ave NE, Battle Creek, MI 49017
  • Athens Police Department: 130 E Burr Oak St, Athens, MI 49011
  • Tekonsha Township Police Department: 217 S Church St, Tekonsha, MI 49092
  • Homer Police Department: 130 E Main St, Homer, MI 49245
  • Burlington Township Police Department: 3686 8 Mile Rd, Burlington, MI 49029

Please note that the above list includes the police departments in Calhoun County, Michigan, along with their addresses. For contact information, such as phone numbers, it is recommended to visit the official websites of the respective departments.

Lookup Arrest Records in Calhoun County, Michigan

To lookup arrest records in Calhoun County, Michigan, you can visit the website of the 10th District Court Records at This website provides access to the court's docket records database, where you can search for arrest records by case, ticket, judge, prosecutor bar, defense bar, and officer number.

Please note that the provided link is verified and currently active (status code 200). It is recommended to use this official source for accurate and up-to-date arrest records in Calhoun County, Michigan.